Introducing the

Referral Program
You are one of Image Salon's most valued customers.
It is our commitment to strive for the
best service and results we can muster.
And we would like to do the same
for those in your circle that you care about.
For every wonderful person that comes
into Images Salon on your referral,
they will receive a 20% discount
on salon services for their first visit, AND
you will receive 20% as well.
So picture this opportunity:
On your next appointment at Images
check to see how many of your referrals
have been into the salon since your last appointment,
and contemplate the savings...
To make a referral all you need do is
register for the Referral Program at the salon,
or email us at
You will receive a confirmation email
that looks similar to the one shown above.
Forward the email to any and all of your circle
and let the fun begin.