April Showers…. and speaking of showers, how many times should one wash one's hair? If the staff at Images Salon had a dollar for every time clients, friends, or friends of clients, asked them “How many times I should wash my hair in a week/month?” they'd be rolling in dough.
Well we can break down this question into 3 categorical answers:
Performance of Hair
Condition of Hair
Chemical Service in the Hair
Performance of Hair – Ask yourself, are you finding that your hair is not getting the volume or look you're going for? You may need a wash (it's a signal), or have you ever thought about simply rinsing your hair in the shower and just applying a conditioner. This will allow your hair and scalp to keep their wonderful natural oils and still rinse out some of the residual styling products weighing you down.
Give it a go, your hair will thank you for it, and perform on command.
Condition of Hair – If you are finding your hair is oily or dry, washing is not always the answer. Try a general rinse in the shower followed by a conditioner to help comb and style the hair after. If you find your natural oils to be too overwhelming, try using Nioxin with its prescriptive tailored kits. The initial step is not a shampoo but a cleanser, as this brand focuses mainly on scalp and skin conditions that can in turn cure your hair woes. We also find that using a Nioxin cleanser can also help ward off the build up of your natural oils for a longer period of time. Hence yet another reason for you to not feeling the need to wash as often. The team at Images Salon is there to help find the Nioxin kit that’s right for you. And to answer your questions.

Chemical Service in the Hair – If you are a frequent bleaching babe or colour gal, DON’T wash your hair often. Nothing shortens the life span of colour, highlights or toning more than washing your hair. The colour molecules that have been so gently placed in your hair, prefer a nice oil rich environment to showcase their brilliant shades. Instead, follow the earlier mentioned recommendation by rinsing your hair and follow with a conditioner. When you choose to wash your hair, be sure to use a professional colour prolonging product such as Wella’s Invigo Brilliance line up. It has up to 7 weeks colour protecting technology.